Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Keeping Track of Everything

I am learning a lot about Nashville during my time here. For example: If you threw 2 rocks anywhere in Nashville, there is a pretty good chance you will hit a Musician, or a Hatch Show Print poster. Tonight we saw a man wearing a shirt at Burger King that had the same image as one of the posters in the back. There are prints in the restaurants, the bars, the shops, the museums, EVERYWHERE! The same with musicians, only replace museums and shops with street corners.

In addition to learning a lot, we are also doing a ton of stuff! There is always something going on, and 9 times out of 10 I can bike to it. Because there is so much going on I have decided that I would keep a pocket journal/sketchbook, of events of interest during my internship. It is so small that at the end of the night I can whip it out and write down the days events without having to log into blogspot to do it(sorry blogspot, I'm sort of a Luddite!).

The above image is an example of what kind of stuff will be going into the book. I think that is will be a nice reminder of the time spent in Nashville. Maybe someday when I am old and out of my head I will look at the page posted above and have my memory jogged about the wonderful day I spent with my family and friends doing cartwheels at the Parthenon in Centennial Park, or maybe I will look at the chicken scratch on the page and say to my grandkids: "What the hell is this? Can't you see I'm watching the Price is Right?!?!"

Either way, so far I have a pretty good list of the places and things I have witnessed while in Nashville, as well as sketches, and lists of the prints that I have printed while at Hatch.

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