Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Experiment Failure

My idea to do something artistic for the next 40 days was a much bigger undertaking than I initially thought. Today I had an idea for a screenprint planned, but couldn't find some of my supplies, and like always, had a hard time figuring out the best way to burn a screen for printing without ruining the screen.

I found my supplies, and tried to burn the screen, but most of it washed out. I think that for some reason I underestimated how much I have going on in my life also. I normally work 45-50 hours a week not including the 6-8 hours at Mellwood Art Center, or travel time between the places. It would have been easier to quit something than to add something into the mix.

This doesn't mean I give up though. That is kind of the point of this experiment. I wanted to see if I could make 1 piece for each day of lent so maybe if I can just make 40 pieces of artwork in 40 days we can call it a win.

I actually have been thinking that 20 is a more realistic number so that I have time to prep. I realized that prep time is a lot more essential in my work than I thought. I can't just sit down and whip out something, there is a lot of work that goes into printmaking before the print ever begins. I also realized that I should have planned out this whole "art for 40 days" thing a little more in advance. The rules are changing already on the second day.

So I think that the more realistic goal will be to do nothing but print related stuff and just try to aim for 20. If more happen great. Also, I have decided that all work will be standard paper size, and if they are editionable it will be in an edition of 40. If I make a zine, there will be 40, a wood cut print 40 a screenprint 40 and so on. I will call it "Print for Lent".

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